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Selecting a Niche

Here comes that time again.It’s time to release SNE 4.0 and I am sure we are going to have many excited clients. One of the hurdles that often troubles our new customers is the big decision of selecting a niche and following through. It is difficult to pick a niche, but first you need to know some things about yourself. You need to find something that you feel confident in monetizing, something that you are knowledgeable about, and something that you have, or can gain access to.

The first step that we usually suggest to our clients, is an exercise called the SWOT Analysis. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Put yourself in the middle, as an online business owners and start to discover what makes your wheels turn… in light of the 4 categories above.

Strengths: …this self explanatory catergory contains anything that empowers you, or that your new venture can prosper from. These are immediate qualities, so let’s no confuse them with opportunities, which are more for down the road.
Examples of Strengths are: good communicator, good at graphics, good at planning, etc.

Weaknesses: These are your internal flaws and business qualms that just don’t get you anywhere.  Example might be that you are: not good at typing, bad at writing, etc.

Opportunities: As mentioned above these are the more long term strengths and circumstantial pros. Examples of  opportunities might be: There are no other businesses like this out there in my area, I can totally beat by competition in these few ways. I know a person who can help me with the marketing… etc.

Threats: Treats are anything that can hinder your progress, or push you back. These threats may come from competition, market saturation, distance, wrong target market, and anything bad about your new start up. Consider these, but do not focus on them. They are negative.

So… Once you take into account your personal SWOT analysis, you can move onto selecting a niche. You now know what you are capable of, and what will help you get to your dream. Now it is time to start thinking about what your potential customer is going to want. Always remember this. “what are you selling, and who is going to buy it??” These 2 questions are paramount for your success and it is critical to look at what your clients are going to want.

We human beings are biologically programmed with the following 8 desires:

1. Survival… enjoyment of life… life extension

2. Enjoyment of food and beverages

3. Freedom from fear, pain and danger

4. Sexual companionship

5. Comfortable living conditions

6. To be superior… winning… keeping up with the Jones’

7. Care and protection of loved ones

8. Social approval

When I say, “Hardwired,” that means they’re nearly impossible to “remove.”

But there are also “9 Secondary Wants” that are LEARNED, and also important to know:

1. To be informed

2. Curiosity

3. Cleanliness of body and surroundings

4. Efficiency

5. Convenience

6. Dependability/Quality

7. Expression of beauty and style

8. Economy/Profit

9. Bargains

Do you see how QUICK, EASY and CHEAP fall smack-dab into that second group?

Fact is, people are L-A-Z-Y. We want results NOW! So if your product or service is, in any way, QUICK and EASY, say it!

Also, if consumers are going to be influenced to buy your stuff, they are biologically going to be influenced more based on these factors of influence:

People want to gain:
Praise from others
Pride of accomplishment
Improved appearance
Advancement: social-business
Security in old age
Increased enjoyment
Personal prestige

They want to save:

They want to be:
Good parents
Recognized authorities
“First” in things
Sociable, hospitable
Proud of their possessions
Influential over others

They want to do:
Express their personalities
Satisfy their curiosity
Appreciate beauty
Win others’ affection
Resist domination by others
Emulate the admirable
Acquire or collect things
Improve themselves generally

Having said this, you now know about you and your potential customer. Once your start narrowing your niche of choice down, you need to start studying more and more about that niche’s perfect target market. Demographics such as age, race, gender, status, income level, etc. all play huge roles in being able to identify your niche. Be tedious, be careful, and take your time with each step.

Once you have done the SWOT Analysis, make a list of 10 niches that you may want to pursue. From here you are welcome to write into our support desk and ask us for some help in narrowing that list down. You are welcome to see our website at www.hcdesk.com or call our support team at 404.939.6011

See more below:

SWOT Analysis | drupal.org

SWOT Analysis. General discussion · rafiqcmnet – July 22, 2010 – 16:39. Has there been any continual and serious SWOT Analyses been performed on Drupal, amongst other objectives, as risk assessment and management to its evolution and …

Publish Date: 07/22/2010 12:39


How to Make Money Online from Niche Ebooks

Sell your niche eBooks. This is the fastest way to generate income from your creations. You may write about topics that are extremely interesting to your potential clients and promote your niche eBooks online using the most effective …

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Online Video Trends Forecast 2009-2014 | Niche Volumes

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