Our speakers and partners have been rolling into Breckenridge and we are super excited for our event!
Remember to drink a lot of water when you arrive because the altitude in the town of Breckenridge is about 9600 feet. Also, remember to get your transportation from Denver to Breckenridge taken care of prior to your arrival. Contact our support staff if you need help or advice on the matter.
If you are using an IPhone, disabling your 3G will make your phone work much better in the town of Breckenridge due to the high volume of people in town right now. (Spring Break Rush)
We are excited as ever and can’t wait to see many of you very shortly.
Be sure to stay after for a day or two to enjoy the slopes and continue the relationships that you will build over the weekend.
Remember, visit our support desk at http://hcdesk.com/support if you need anything.
If you don’t yet your ticket you can visit http://hcevent.com to get locked in and ready.
Make moves today,
Hollis Carter & Marc Horne
HC Consulting Group
PS – We have great hotel deals for you simply contact support if you lost your group codes.
I am getting very excited gentlement! Haven’t been to Breckenridge for over 20 years.