PO Box 7132, Breckenridge, CO 80424
(404) 314-9273

Building Your Brand Through Emotion

I was chatting with a buddy of mine this morning that launched a sunglasses company earlier this year. A lot of what he talks about is branding, building a brand, how his sunglasses brand fits into lifestyles, and also he talks about what brick ‘n mortar stores have a similar brand for him to get their glasses in.

During this conversation I asked him to put down some of his thoughts on paper and below is what he wrote up about branding.  Enjoy.

In my opinion, building a brand is based on conjuring an emotion that is associated with the name of the company/logo and the products  you provide. The brand has to make potential customers feel good and get them remember you over your competitors. The lifestyle that you are targeting has to be the forefront of your social media marketing efforts. Now for a relatively low cost a company can reach thousands of their target market and tell their companies story through relevant content. The main goal is to build the story.

Nowadays there is so much competition online that you need to stand out. RedBull and GoPro have done great with their branding strategies. As most people know, video can aid in this quest. The edits that these two companies have come out with are adrenaline filled and have that “cool” factor. When you see their videos you experience the same emotions as the person in the video.  This creates a memory based on emotion which magically reappears when the consumer sees the product. At that emotional feeling, they just have to buy the product to experience the same high they did when seeing the video.

We here at Nectar have worked hard on building the story of our product.  We conjure emotions of enjoyment, satisfaction, fun, and excitement; the sweet life or Nectar. Our brand can be summed up in one word “enjoy”. This word is short, easy to pronounce and is friendly. That builds trust. Then you couple that with photos and videos portraying that word, and you give people a nice ‘sigh of relief.’  “Everything is good. Life is sweet.  Enjoy.  Nectar.”  And suddenly, like magic, your brand is synonymous with enjoying life and you enjoy life more with Nectar.

What’s your brand image?

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