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(Breaking News) Productivity While Using The Restrooms Has Increased By 3,000%!

smartphones-and-restroomsBreaking News, Productivity While Using Private & Public Restrooms Has Increased By 3,000% Due To SmartPhone Usage!

* Not backed by factual, statistical data.

It’s true. The insurgence of smart phones in around the globe has sparked a drastic increase in productivity (for humans) while using the bathroom.  We are just at the crest of a new era where smartphones are becoming the standard device consumers will use to connect to  friends, the internet and the world.

Just 10 years ago, using the restroom consisted of… well, using the restroom.

Nowadays, you can walk in a restroom and by the time you come out you have banked & paid your bills, browsed Facebook, sent emails, Tweeted, played Words with friends, searched for information, purchased something, scheduled an appointment, watched the newest YouTube sensation video, purchased an app, bought and sold stocks, sent love notes to your significant other, bought a daily deal, read a book, updated LinkedIn, checked Google Plus… you get the point.

As a business owner, I find that a large part of my day consists of sending emails; providing feedback, delegating activities, and providing direction.  The restroom enables me to get in to what I like to call, “focus mode”, and really crank through some work. – Hollis Carter, HC Consulting Group

This increase of productivity doesn’t come without repercussions, however.

The rate at which cell phones are accidentally dropped in the toilet is increasing at a similar rate as the increase in productivity.  Cell phones are becoming a haven for germs, and guys have become worse “aimers” when they are standing up at the urinal browsing their phone.  There has also been an uptick in ‘toilet humor,’ as well as a growing repository of photographs taken in restrooms that are uploaded to the internet and/or shared via SMS.

Mobile devices and smart phone usage will continue to grow and play a large part of the future of eCommerce and the way that business in general is done.

It begs the question:  Is this really healthy behavior? Is the Social Revolution that is occurring actually a good thing for all mankind?

Either way, the trend is growing and growing quickly. 

Business owners must adjust and make their websites and marketing suited for the web.  If you are a business owner and you are not enabled for mobile internet, I highly encourage you to become smartphone friendly and come to the realization that the attention span of the average person has drastically decreased.  Outbound marketing is on it’s way out – and inbound marketing on it’s way in…

Insert blatant self-serving promotion here (or just leave as is for humorous effect): Email our crew here at HC Consulting Group to get a specific quote for the creation of a smartphone app, or just some HTML 5 work to help ensure your site is optimized for mobile visitors – support@hcdesk.com)

Make moves today,
Marc Horne
HC Consulting Group

PS – Enjoy this post?  Feel free to leave us a comment below and/or share with your various social networks.


[…] technology, specifically smart phones and mobile devices has dramatically increased productivity.  Yes, even in the restrooms.  I can wake up and from the comfort of my own bed, pull out my iPad and clear through emails.  I […]

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