PO Box 7132, Breckenridge, CO 80424
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Bloopio.com: Deal of the day software frequently asked questions

Below are some frequently asked questions that you may have about Bloopio Automated Deal of the Day or 1 Sale at a time Sales and Traffic Software.

With Bloopio you can run your own deal of the day website and make money.
With Bloopio you can run your own deal of the day website and make money.
Question: What is Bloopio?

Answer: Bloopio is automated sales and traffic software platform that easily lets you run a deal of the day website or 1 sale at a time website.  This trend is growing quickly and getting larger everyday for businesses, marketers, and everyday people to offer a 1 sale at a time or a deal a day to others.  Many of these websites sell one item per day.  Many sell one item every hour.  And some sell one item per week.

One day deal is a discount-based selling method invented in order to promote impulsive sales. Its uniqueness consists in the fact that these sales are only there for 24 hours, thus, the name “one day deal” or “One sale at a time”, and sometimes referred to as “OADs”.  Since this method was launched, more and more one day deal websites are appearing on the Internet, and their success is already a fact. People are always attracted to  bargains, and this is exactly what these websites are offering to the virtual customers.

Bloopio lets you have squeeze pages (or optin pages) and sales pages that will automatically refresh when the offer expires or the units available are gone.  Using psychological factors like timer countdowns, unit countdowns, and invisible buy buttons are just a few of the functions that your Bloopio powered website has.

Question: Why did you create this application?

Answer:  Initially, we created it for ourselves.  We saw the up and coming trend of deal of the day websites like Woot, SteapandCheap, and Groupon and knew that in order to fully leverage our business we had to have our own 1 sale at a time sites running and making us money.  We decided to create this application for you, because we have great success running our deal of the day sites, and there is also a huge up and coming trend with people spending time and actually becoming addicted to visiting one sale a day websites. Running and owning a deal of the day or 1 sale at a time website is extremely lucrative.  We also created this application because we had the resources necessary to create it, and finally to give a lucky group of individuals the chance to change their lives by running one of these sites…


Question:  What kind of niches can I sell products in using this software?

Answer:  This trend is so brand new and there are only a hand full of sites like this now.  It is the BEST time in the history of the planet to get in on this right away and capitalize big time.  Below are just a few ideas for you to use when deciding what type of deal of the day website you would like have and profit from…

Geographic based: Town, City, State, Region, Country, mountains, beaches, etc.
Using this model, you would have a one sale at a time site or deal of the day site offering souvenirs, memorabilia, and gift items about your chosen geographic location.  Ie. “I saw rock city” tee shirts.  You can also have a very broad geographic based one sale at a time website that offers one great deal a day for something in the city of your choice.  A great example website that is using this exact same model is groupon.com.  Tapping into the geographic based discount selling model is huge and easy because advertising your site to a specific location and group of people is much easier.

College: UGA, Auburn, FSU, Georgia Tech, Old’ Miss, KSU, NYU, etc.

An end example that you can capitalize on is to create a one sale at a time that offers college merchandise, memorabilia, gift items, tickets to events, paraphernalia, books, and dorm room accessories at a discounted rate.  College aged kids absolutely love deals and discounts.  Nearly every college student knows about the dollar draft deals at the local pub.  College aged kids are also extremely passionate about their schools.  Simply finding one good deal that you can offer to a particular college every day has monumental potential to grow and gain a huge following rather quickly on campus.

People who want to make money on the internet: PPC, SEO, Adsense, product launches, joint ventures, private label rights, Ebay, Craigslist, etc.

An end example would be for you to create a one sale at a time site that offers various marketing products at a time, whether or not they are your products or products that you can offer as an affiliate.

Car enthusiasts: BMW, Corvette, Mercedes Benz, Ford, GM, Honda, Suzuki, Porsche, etc.

An end example would be for you to create a one sale at a time site offering different car accessories at a discounted rate.  Nowadays you even see car lots offering daily deals or weekend specials that only last for 24 hours.  Car enthusiasts are passionate about their cars and there are already many forums that exist where people discuss the latest greatest deals and steals.  This market desperately needs someone to run a deal of the day website… Will it be you?

Outdoor enthusiasts: People who like doing stuff outdoors, hikers, skiers, etc.

An end example would be for you to create a one sale at a time site offering various outdoor gear at a discount.  IE.. rock climbing gear, hiking equipment, camping equipment, etc.  SteapandCheap.com has taken the forefront of this niche sector by selling outdoor gear at a great deal using the exact same model that Bloopio has.

Position or Company based: CEO’s, Secretaries, Sales reps, Delta, AT& T, etc.

An end example would be for you to have a one sale at a time site offering office equipment, travel bags, gift cards, and random offers that this target market is interested in.

Age or race: High school kids, college kids, etc.

An end example would be for you to create a one sale at a time site offering items that are directly related to your chosen age or race.  For example, high school kids like buying; video games, phones, name brand clothes, spring break stuff, paraphernalia, etc.

Animals: dogs, cats, turtles, Golden Retrievers, Bulldogs, hamsters, etc.

An end example for your one sale at a time site would be to offer animal training guides, collars, food, beds, and all of the other stuff that people buy for their animals.  Simply create a deal of the day website for animals and offer great daily deals and you will surely start getting a following if you follow our traffic module closely.

Computer Lovers and Electronics: Anything and everything that people need regarding computer and technical equipment.

An end example would be for you to create a one sale at a time site that offers external hard-drives, webcams, microphones, mouse devices, thumb drives, monitors, computers, etc. Woot.com has become the forefront leader in offering daily deals on technology, however, the game is still early and the potential for profitability in this sector are huge.

Gamers: People absolutely love playing video games!

You can capitalize here by creating a deal of the day website that offers 1 great video game or system a day for a deal.
Deal of the day and 1 sale at a time websites are still so young that the potential is absolutely monstrous for you.  1 flight deal a day, 1 sex toy a day, 1 cheap hotel rate a day, etc. Literally the possibilities are endless and the potential for profitability is huge, especially if you follow our Bloopio training.

The above possibilities are just the start and the potential is absolutely huge.  What is great is that Bloopio gives you the ability to easily run a deal of the day website in an automated fashion, without any technical knowledge or skills in driving traffic.

If you already have an established website, blog, or social networking site; it is an extremely wise idea to have a deal of the day from your site.
Just imagine if Facebook had a deal of the day that they offered to people based on where they live.


Question:  If you developed it for you, why are you selling it?

Answer: There are a handful of deal of the day websites on the internet today, many of them generating millions of dollars in revenue…  When a deal of the day website is set up and spread properly, in the correct in demand niche, it will become profitable.  We have extensively researched and case studied successful deal of the day websites, and a proven system has been used in every case study.  We also know it works because we make a full time, very comfortable living just from our deal of the day sites that we currently run…

In searching Google trends, we have found that this number of highly populated deal of the day sites is growing, and they have become one of the most dominating, influential forces on the internet…

If you follow the blueprint that we provide to you, your website will be successful.

We also developed it for 2 reasons:
1.) To help aid in the growth and expansion of our other business ventures…

2.) To give a small group of lucky people a ton of value for their money.

You see we are not selling a replica of our deal of the day websites…  That would just be a poor business decision.  Our passion is most likely not yours.  We want you to be passionate about the niche that you choose.  This is why you have the ability to completely customize your website immediately after you purchase to your exact liking.


Question:  Aren’t there other scripts like this, or places that I can purchase source code for a deal of the day website?

Not like this, and quite simply put, NO!

There is NOTHING like Bloopio automated sales and traffic software.  The only way to create a comparable site is to hire a team of programmers to build from scratch.  This will cost you in the range of 10,000 to 20,000 US dollars.

Bloopio was built from the ground up by our team of programmers in India and the USA.  Bloopio was developed from the vision of HC Consulting Group to allow anyone to run a successful deal of the day website regardless of competency.

Bloopio clients are not locked into a custom code.  This platform was created over recent years with a team of highly trained programmers and was built to have the easiest administrator functionality that exist for any deal of the day website owner.  This platform was built with the non technical person in mind, as well as the technical person who wants to save 6 months customizing their own site.  Bloopio is not just about getting a social networking site created for you, it is a program with step by step training modules, screen captures, videos, eBooks, and one on one support to help you run (and profit from) your Bloopio website.

Question:  Will you teach me how to use it?


YES. The Bloopio training manual and video series are available to you immediately after purchase.  You can download the pdf and watch the videos as needed.  We train our clients in a new and unique fashion that takes each step at a time to ensure you actually do each step and do it correctly…

We also have tons of step by step screen captures and training videos that will hold your hand and make sure you are successful.
These modules cover the step-be-step processes that you need to take immediately following your purchase.

We left no stone unturned and will respond to any support enquiries within 12-48 hours.

Question:  What is the price?


As I stated in the video… It cost us over $30,000 to have Bloopio created and more for continued support. And yes, you can go to scriptlance.com or rentacoder.com and have one made. It will cost you much MORE than what we are selling it for, and who will support you?  Who will teach you how to use it?

The price is one payment of $497.00 + $19.97 per month thereafter for your support, hosting, and server fees. (1st month hosting free)

If you use it like we teach, you can make back your money 100 times over in the first year.

If you do not like it, tell us in 30 days and get a FULL REFUND.
We have put our heart and soul into the creation of this product and it makes us feel absolutely amazing when our clients succeed..

On to some of the bigger questions…


Yes, click here to see a quick demo of your admin capabilities as well as your member capabilities of Bloopio: the deal of the day website builder…

DEMO >>>http://bloopio.com/demo

Question:  Where do I buy it?

If you have NOT seen the full video, go here:
If you have ALREADY seen the video, go here:
You will be able to order Today!

Make moves today,
Hollis Carter & Marc Horne
HC Consulting Group
PS – If you have any further questions don’t hesitate to contact us at our support suite: http://www.support.hcdesk.com

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