PO Box 7132, Breckenridge, CO 80424
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A Typical Date Night For the Tech Savvy Folks

The Daily Deal Industry has shaken up the way that tech savvy folks go on dates.  It seems that coupons are cool again and for those tech savvy folks with a smart phone or even just plain old internet connection – going on dates is not only cheaper – it has become easier…

Let me explain.

The other night I went on a date with my lovely Fiance, and it started out much like any other date would go…

What do you feel like doing tonight?

Now, immediately after posing that question is where things started going differently…

Let’s check Groupon Now, Scoutmob, and a few other daily deal sites to see if they have anything worth checking out…

We proceeded to find a fat discount on a great restaurant and got the info for a great live show.  The best part is that we were able to do this immediately before leaving my house.

Success for us.

Success for the merchant.

Success for the daily deal publisher.

Thank you daily deal industry, you’ve done it again.

Make moves today,
Marc Horne
HC Consulting Group

PS – Interested in getting involved in the daily deal industry?  Stop on by Daily Deal Builder to launch your own daily deal platform.  Head on over to DODAggregator to launch your own daily deal aggregator website.

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