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Who Loses With Daily Deals

Being heavily involved in the daily deal industry, I always enjoy discussing the pros and cons of featuring a deal on a deal site with businesses who have either just ran a deal through one, or businesses thinking about running a deal. From each of my discussions, it has become obvious that one party involved in the daily deal seems to typically always lose.

Over the holidays I was hanging out with a good friend who does floors and their business had recently just ran a deal through a major deal site.

“The deal sold extremely well, the customers were very happy, our boss did really well and upsold a lot, but we had to work our tails off to keep up and it really stressed myself and all the workers out.  We definitely lost on that deal and are not very excited for the next time our owner runs a deal, which is coming soon,” Trevor told me.

In this particular deal, the workers got the bad part of the deal.

Continue reading on original source at DailyDealMedia…


[…] media can also be a detriment to your business if someone loses out in the equation and has a bad experience ordering from your daily deal site; they are far more likely to share […]

[…] Sadly enough, many times someone does lose out in the deal equation. […]

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