HC Consulting Group just got back from an incredibly conference in beautiful Chicago for the Daily Deal Media Live Event,…
marc horne
“Does Groupon have brand loyalty.” Do Groupons customers and subscribers have loyalty to them? From one angle I would say that they do. On the other hand, there is a really great chance that a large portion of their list of customers and subscribers is also subscribed to other deal sites. The loyalty that Groupon and the others customers and subscribers have is not really brand loyalty to them; it’s simply loyalty to the great deals they bring to the consumer.
Over the past week, rumors that Google had put in a bid to purchase Groupon, a popular deal-of-the-day site, reached…
Today I Stumbled Upon a really cool article. Fast Company blogger, Drew Neisser writes all about how S.I.M.P.L.E it is…
Two Fantastic Website Concepts Put Together to Form ONE awesome site! We have had a lot of our clients call…
While investigating some of our clien’ts Daily Deal models, as well as talking with many of our customers personally, it…
Case study after case study of successful business ventures will show you that entrepreneurs clearly define their motivation and intentions…
From a business perspective, the daily deal market is being flooded by Websites, in which entrepreneurs and store owners of…
18, potential million dollar business ventures.
Bloopio Daily Deal Website Idea Contest. Email your idea to support@bloopio.com and we are going to work hand in hand with the top submission to help grow and launch your deal of the day business.