As Facebook nears a 1 Billion person userbase, it has become blatantly transparent that social media is here to stay….
deal of the day software
Many of our clients have successfully launched their deal of the day website in the 3 weeks since we have…
Daily Deal Builder has the best group buying and daily deal software that you can find. Sure – that might just be my opinion – but my clients will agree with me. You can submit a domain name to us and have your site customized – and up and running in under 24 hours – ready to accept orders.
“Does Groupon have brand loyalty.” Do Groupons customers and subscribers have loyalty to them? From one angle I would say that they do. On the other hand, there is a really great chance that a large portion of their list of customers and subscribers is also subscribed to other deal sites. The loyalty that Groupon and the others customers and subscribers have is not really brand loyalty to them; it’s simply loyalty to the great deals they bring to the consumer.
Over the past week, rumors that Google had put in a bid to purchase Groupon, a popular deal-of-the-day site, reached…
We’ve had a lot of recent questions coming into our support staff about how to brand websites and company images…
While investigating some of our clien’ts Daily Deal models, as well as talking with many of our customers personally, it…
How to find deal of the day websites.
A daily deal builder like Bloopio, is a computerized software system that is used for creating online daily deals and sales. This sales platform is usually used for marketing and selling any type of product or service on the internet, and this type of system is growing in popularity by the day. A daily deal software should incorporate some of the following traits:
18, potential million dollar business ventures.