One of foremost missions of daily deal websites is to convert visitors to subscribers, subscribers to buyers, and buyers to repeat buyers. As your deal site grows, it is important to remember to focus on optimizing your results. If the amount of traffic your website receives does not increase, you can still generate more leads and sales by increasing your sales and option conversion rates.
The reality of it is that the only way to accurately determine what will convert better and generate you more leads and sales is to perform split tests.
I personally use sites such as on a daily basis to see actual split test results. Over time, you will begin to learn what will convert better and have a better understanding of human behavior on websites.
There is no better way to optimize your website and generate more sales and leads than performing A/B split tests using a split test tool such as Google Website Optimizer.
We can give our clients tips on how to increase conversion rates through sales and persuasion, copy and page design, but the honest answer to the question of “how can I get more sales,” is a reply of “split test what you are currently doing with something else.”
Over time and from our experience, we have learned that the primary psychological factors that are helping our daily deal publishers get more sales are:
Using proper scarcity tactics such as unit and timer countdowns: If only a couple items remain available, or only a few more hours or minutes are left in the promotion, conversion rates rise. Fear of missing out on a great deal is powerful.
Offering discounts from regular prices: This and the scarcity tactics mentioned above are the 2 primary ways that daily deal sites experience higher conversion rates than the average e-commerce website.
Show social proof: Amazon does a great job of this by making customer reviews and social proof a primary selling point. Adding the ability for prospects and customers to comment on your offering can often times help increase your conversion rates.
Showcase benefits as opposed to features: People are more concerned with what a product will do for them than they are with how, or why, it will do that for them.
Time the promotions properly: Certain products and services sell better at different times of the day, days of the week, and months out of the year. Right now, just after taxes are due, might not be the best time to sell Turbo Tax software, for example.
Incentivize buyers and prospects to want to remark, give testimonials and reviews, and share your stuff. Prospect’s buying decisions are influenced by their friends and family more so than images or copy on a sales page.
Make it easy to buy: When I login to Amazon, I have the ability to order items with one simple click. This makes me buy more items. The easier we can make it for our customers to buy and the more time we can save them, the higher our conversions become.
Be there for your clients and support them: No matter what industry or product is being sold, when a company stands behind their offerings and provides personal and excellent support, it helps increase your conversion rates and turn one time buyers into repeat buyers and fans of your site.
Capture the prospects information if they don’t buy: When someone leaves your website, there is a chance they may never return. Focusing on increasing the rate at which site visitors become subscribers will in turn increase your conversion rates and enable you to more easily bring this visitor back to your website.
Focus on providing value: When a primary focus is to provide value to your subscribers and prospects, it becomes more apparent that you are there to help them as opposed to just trying to squeeze every sale possible. Do your best to not pester your prospect and you might find that less of your subscribers say “how the heck do I stop this website from emailing me?”
What are some things you have done to increase your conversion rates?
Make moves today,
Marc D. Horne
I originally published this article on Daily Deal Media.