As you know both Hollis and I are big fans of attending live events.
We just held our own live event and were able to witness the power that occurs by networking, learning, surrounding yourself with industry leaders, and soaking in a myriad of brilliant ideas and ways to profit and grow your business…
One of our speakers, Keith Wellman, is hosting The Gateway to Wealth live event on April 16th, 17th, & 18th, and both Hollis and myself are attending…
We HIGHLY recommend you get in on this!
Our business has skyrocketed over the past year and it is in large part to our relentless efforts to create and release awesome products…
But, it is also directly correlated with the fact that we get out there and meet and connect with the industry leaders in order to get connected.
I mean honestly, if you want to be a leader in your industry, it only makes sense to get connected with those already at the top.
Since we will be there we would like to sweeten the deal for you. If you attend the event, Hollis and I will have a private mastermind with you Saturday night right after the event.
Visit here and reserve your spot right away!
Make moves today,
Hollis Carter & Marc Horne
HC Consulting Group