Up until this point in my career I have always done our software demos myself. I always figured, why pay someone to…
Daily Deal Trends
Quick Screencast video of DailyDealBuilder’s new affiliate and partner sections in our daily deal software: http://youtu.be/lKZGFhRvstg
We recently made it so that every user of one of our daily deal websites is now an affiliate and can potentially make money by recommending the deals to their friends and networks… Learn about some of DailyDealBuilder.com’s newest features and functions
Here at DailyDealBuilder.com we are not new comers to the daily deal trend. Over the past year the white label daily deal industry has experienced massive growth and we have found ourselves at the right place at the right time…
Daily Deal Builder has the best group buying and daily deal software that you can find. Sure – that might just be my opinion – but my clients will agree with me. You can submit a domain name to us and have your site customized – and up and running in under 24 hours – ready to accept orders.
Frequently asked questions and answers about running a daily deal website.
“Does Groupon have brand loyalty.” Do Groupons customers and subscribers have loyalty to them? From one angle I would say that they do. On the other hand, there is a really great chance that a large portion of their list of customers and subscribers is also subscribed to other deal sites. The loyalty that Groupon and the others customers and subscribers have is not really brand loyalty to them; it’s simply loyalty to the great deals they bring to the consumer.
Daily Deal websites incorporate something called user generated traffic. They are able to generate so much traffic and revenue because of “collective buying power.” Collective buying power is when a group of people come together and use the rule, there’s power in numbers, to leverage the group size in exchange for discounts.
Amidst the emergence of this trend, companies such as ours, HC Consulting Group, are lowering the barrier to entry in this market. Our product, DailyDealBuilder.com, is a group buying platform and daily deal platform designed to let individuals create their own ‘daily deal’ websites or groupon clones, or woot clones – with professional training and assistance in launching the site.
In 2004 Ecommerce experienced one of the most influential changes it has ever experienced with the invention of the Daily Deal Ecommerce models. Initially introduced by Woot.com, this model has since exploded this past year and experienced unprecedented growth in 2010. Now, the Daily Deal model and Group Buying model are growing quicker than any trend I have witnessed in the past 10 years.