daily deal builder

Why We Love Getting a Great Deal!

It’s no secret.  We love getting a deal.  We’ve always loved getting a good deal. From trading cattle and grain,…

6 Ways To Effectively Use Social Media for Your Business

As a daily deal site, one of your core missions should be to help your merchants grow their audience and…

7 Behaviors to Focus on that are More Important Than Growing your Subscriber Base

I often speak with deal site owners whose primary milestones are based around the size of their subscriber base.  And…

Don’t Be Creative; Be Immortal

In 1962, Time magazine called David Ogilvy “the most sought-after wizard in today’s advertising industry.” In his book Confessions of an Advertising Man, David Ogilvy…

Why Your Daily Deal or Coupon Promotion Is Not Working

Consumers love getting deals.  It’s no secret. I’d say that people have loved getting deals and bargains, and that negotiations…

2014 Technology Predictions

8 Predictions for the eCommerce, Coupon, and Daily Deal Industries in 2014  Click here to download the slides of this…

Four Triggers to Cause Purchasers to Pull Out Their Cards

What makes us go from thinking about buying something, to actually making a purchase? Just as each of us is…

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