hosted daily deal aggregator software

Daily Deal Builder Training Discussing Search Engine Optimization and Raising Conversion Rates

April 12, 2013 we held a Daily Deal Builder training webinar where we discussed Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and tips…

Grow Your Audience By Using Contests and Crowdsourcing

If you are anything like me, you’ve noticed a pattern that’s emerged on your Facebook newsfeed.  The posts that I am referring…

Everyone Is Searching The Term Daily Deal Software

Guest Writer: Tyler Horne, CFO – HC Consulting Group. It seems like everyone is searching the term Daily Deal Software….

DOD Aggregator Administrator Overview

Here is a quick overview of some of the administrator functionality’s of DODAggregator, the daily deal aggregator platfrom (or AKA, Yipit…

What is DOD Aggregator?

I’ll let the video explain it.  But it a quick nutshell, DOD Aggregator is a hosted daily deal aggregator platform. Be…

Being A Daily Deal Publisher versus A Daily Deal Aggregator

Here at HC Consulting Group, we have two very similar products, DOD Aggregator & Daily Deal Builder, however, these products…

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